Monday, February 21, 2005

Lead astray

As I sit in my chair diligently studying, I hear a noise. "What is that?" I think. It is a loud noise, and it doesn't come from inside the house. I listen closer. It fades in and out, up and down. "OH" I think. It's a chain saw of course. I resettle in my chair thinking how hard our neighbor Kris O'Brien must be working, and wondering where he found a tree to cut up, since the trees on his property aren't really his until he buys the land. After 20 minutes or so I rise from my chair to go look out the window to see if I can tell where he is chainsawing. And low and behold there is Kris and his brother Kasey skimming atop the snow on their snow mobiles! I stare with my mouth open for quite a few seconds. After that I will never think the best of people until I look out the window. ;-)


At 7:32 PM, Blogger Ben H said...

good idea


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