Random is a nice word. It means lot's of things.
Be prepared for Randomness
It's interesting how different people welcome in the new year. Usually I find myself on my knee's in a watch night service, but not this year. I was huddled in my bed as Jack Bauer put a bullet through Christopher Henderson. Ugh. Why did Ben have to get me hooked on "24"?
---------------------subject differs below----------------------------------------------------
It's strange how when you buy something to be used during a certain season, that season seams to promptly disapear. I think fate is against my family when it comes to things that like.
Such as acquiring a sun fish only to go to the ocean when the wind doesn't rustle so much as a blade of sea grass. Or last year some of my siblings got snow shoes for Christmas; I think they used them once. And now this year there is still no snow, so I look out the window at a beautiful, sleek, Artic Cat snow mobile sitting on green grass. Its enough to make you want to move to Denver, Colorodo for the winter. Forget Bible School.
Change of subject num. 2
Recently I discovered the voice of Jimmy Durante. He was a comedian/singer back in the umm 60s I'm guessing. I like him because he sounds human, actually he sounds more like a man that just drank a pint of whipping cream, but I like it. Its a nice raspy sound.
I find it refreshing to listen to someone who sounds old.
Well, I probably won't post again for another few months...I just felt like typing tonight.
Just kidding, I already knew that. :) Actually, that part made me kind of angry.
Nevertheless, it's great to have a new post on your blog! I hope that some time in the next few months you find another twenty-four minutes so we, your adoring fans, are not forced to be so very long-suffering. :)
I sometimes ask myself why I'm hooked on 24, but it's a silly question to ask myself because I already know the answer.
Speaking of randomness, once a bunch of my siblings and KJ were driving to the library, when we decided to have a contest to see who was the most random. Kimberley won by stating Mrs. Lackie's middle name.
It sounds better if you call it
"stream of consciousness"
instead of "random". Plus, it makes it sound like you are doing something incredibly intelligent/hard instead of just jumping around :-)
Hip hip hurrah!! She's posted again.... and I enjoyed it again, too!
Hey, you werent supposed to mention that. You KNEW I hadnt finished watching 24, and you KNEW I would check your blog and now I KNOW something that happens any hour now! This really stinks!
No, its really ok . After over 4 seasons I was basically expecting it. Live enemy of Jack Bauer today, dead enemy tomorrow...or within today but almost tomorrow.
We've been watching "24" too... ...they really know how to get you interested, don't they?
Hey Katherine! This is awesome finding so people here that I know. I've also enjoyed randomness lately. :-)
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