Wednesday, July 27, 2005

20,000 leagues above the ground

On Sunday, Ben and Dave(Hansen) were kind enough to set up staging for Elizabeth and me before they left the next morning. They thought they were kind that is. Well I suppose they couldn't help being "kind" because my dad had told them to set it up, but that's beside the point. Boy's, I've noticed, often seem to think that "higher is better." And higher is better in certain areas, but not when it comes to having to clime 4 stories up on staging that feels like a toothpick.

Elizabeth and I didn't really know how high up they had put the plank until this morning. When the boy's had set it up, I had nonchalantly leaned out my window and yelled something like "don't you dare put it too high, or I won't ever go up on it," so I thought I was all set. Until this morning. This morning began the scariest episode in my paint-the-barn career. One look up at the staging and we both let out a "holy smokes" type exclamation. Then we proceeded to hold our breath as we inched our way up the ladders. Once we got up there, it was just as bad as on the ground, but we gathered our tiny dust particles of courage and got on with it. God must have been feeling bad for us because two hours later the rumblings of thunder was heard and we scurried down the ladders to find shelter in the barn. Tomorrow will bring more terror though, since we didn't finish it all.

So that is what my life consists of right now...taking the dust particles that come off the walls and turning it into courage.


At 11:15 PM, Blogger brilynne said...

I thought that scaffolding looked a bit are braver than I. Did you see how much trouble i had just getting off and on your barn's roof on the low side?

Praise the Lord for thunderstorms. You need a break.

Thanks for having me out there. Twas great fun.

Keep up the good work and don't lose your courage!

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Booker said...

I am sure the guys were being kind, they are such nice guys anyway, right?

And remind your sister what a saint I am, or otherwise QueenE would be saying things all over blogworld that she didn't :) like my accidental comment there :) heheehehee

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Cara said...

yes! i wondered if it would be too high for you guys. in fact, i noticed that you couldn't cover as much as you could have if it was a little lower! but i suppose it was nice of the guys anyway.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger CKS said...

I remember the backside of your barn is so high we went RAPPELLING out of it one Bible School class trip, long, long ago.


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