Tuesday, September 20, 2005

This is a rare occasion. I am actually writing a post while in Bible School! I'm sure it won't happen very often at all; and the only reason I'm doing it now is because everyone is up in the gym which leaves the Main house beauteously quiet and the computer free.

What have I been doing for the last week or so? Well all of you that have attended B.S before me will no doubt know, but for those of you who don't I shall tell my little stories of interest.

Practical jokes were something everyone was wondering about when we first arrived, and we were all a bit nervous whether or not we'd get in major trouble if we tried something. Of course it was the girls' who had the nerve to see and so a couple of nights ago, while sitting in the kitchen we innocently stuffed the guys' night lunch box with various trinkets such as shower caps, toast pinchers and garlic.

The next morning the box came back with hardly any food taken from it and rather angry men accompanying it(the garlic had made everything smell bad, so they didn't eat it). Of course when something happens like that retaliation is the first thought that comes to everyone, and so we (the girls) were all on our toes.

That night Kimberly and I were on dinner so we weren't in the dining room to see what actually took place. But from very reliable sources I found out that one of the boys had taped a snake to Bria's plate, so when she turned it over -in the midst of nearly hyperventalating- her face turned gray and the rest of the girls broke into a chorus of screams.

Of course Mr. Murray was not happy about this at all, and the guys got a good talking to. The sad end of the story though, is that all practical jokes have to first be approved by the duty couple. I have this strange feeling that there won't be many that will be approved of.

Must go...