Saturday, May 28, 2005

Relighting flames

In past years I talked myself into despising writing. When I was younger I had the quote “writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead” attached to my mirror. But then I decided to change my mind…until I started a new writing course last September. The course is one of the best out there actually, and after I write, I send each paper to the man that wrote the course and he corrects it. The only problem is that he has this thing about making you write multiple papers on the same book. The first book I had to write on was The Call of the Wild. I wrote four papers on different aspects of it, and the last one I wrote, I was so sick of reviewing the book that he asked if I had even written an outline (hehehe). That amuses me to this day, because it was one of those papers that I felt really good about, but I had written it in only 2 hours because I was so sick of the topic. I guess it showed.
Today I finished my last essay on Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. Writing essays on his works are entirely different than Jack London’s. Thankfully Tennyson’s passion has relit the flame to write again.

Today at gym class there was a field day with games and contests you could do as well. One of them was a pudding eating contest. Caleb decided that he would like to try that one, so he lined up with the other kids and when they said “go” he started. Now you have to understand that Caleb is not a neat person by nature, but when it comes to being polite, he is very good at that. So as everyone else is gulping down their pudding, as soon as Caleb gets a dot of it on his nose he asks: “may I have a napkin please?” and once clean goes right on slowly licking his dishful. He fully enjoyed his pudding, while I think the others ended up with stomach aches. He finished last to say the least. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I never did get goat pictures on here. But this little kid is a lot better. Posted by Hello

The newest addition to our family...Joel David Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 05, 2005

This is a see if it goes to Aaron's blog or mine. Posted by Hello

I really was going to post goat pictures but alas its not happening. The last person to use the picture program was Aaron and his password and username is still there, and mine is no where to be found. Maybe I'll just post them on his.:-)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

chug chug

I mowed the lawn today! Driving lawn mowers were a great invention. I love the feeling of driving along be able to do nothing at all except make sure I don't fall off some random stone wall that appears. And that's not even the best part...people think you're working just by sitting on the mower! It's very nice. Of course the push mowing is another story, but we won't go there right now.

I just finished a great book called The Path between the Seas written by David MacCullough. It's the story of the Panama canal. It was very good and I highly recommend it, actually I recommend anything by MacCullough.

Here's a couple funny things that my brothers have said in the last few days...
Ruth was feeling sad because she didn't think she was very pretty and Caleb came to her rescue with: "Don't worry Ruthie, I think you're as pretty as a vulture!" Neither of them knew what a vulture was, so it turned out alright. :-)

And Ben's decided he's going to go to college to get a Master's in hunting. hehe Of course he's only joking so don't you dare go poking fun at him, cause I'll get blamed for telling.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The First of May

Happy May Day!

I have many happy memories of past May days in the years when the Adams were our neighbors. We used to plan ahead, figuring out who we would surprise with flower bouquets. It usually came down to the elderly lady that lived down the road(since she was the only one we felt comfortable going and handing flowers to). We would run down the road, up her driveway and stop. Look around to make sure nobody had spotted us and then quietly sneak to her front door, place the flowers on the steps, ring the door bell and shriek as we scattered. She would then come to the door and find the flowers. Every single time we did this she would say something like, "hello girls, thank you for the flowers!". We never did figure out how to trick her. But of course, that was when we were very young.

Baby goats are one of the cutest creatures on earth. We have 7 of them so far and the difference in each ones personality is amazing! There are a couple that are total spazzes and one that is a loafer. They are very amusing to watch as they walk all over each other and try to act grown up. They are not very different from Caleb at times. Or is Caleb not very different from them? (help us) If I have time I'll post some pictures of them for you enjoyment (the goats, not Caleb).