Monday, March 14, 2005

The blessing of sanity

Today was day number two working in the patient care unit of the hospital. The CNA had me check on all the patients (there is only room for 12...very small hospital) to make sure they didn't need anything. One guy asked for 3 razors, which I found out he wasn't supposed to have so he never got them. Another lady wanted me to help her pull her IV's out so she could go home, and after I explained that I couldn't do that for her she didn't say anything more. Later on when I went in to check on her she bluntly told me: "I have nothing more to say to you." It was really rather comical.

There wasn't much for me to do besides visiting with the folks, so I spent the better part of an hour putting together a 500 piece puzzle with a Mrs. Anna Leonard, a very nice (and sane I might add) lady.

Upon arriving home I was put to making spaghetti sauce because the stuff from the can tasted weird. I found out later though, that the weirdness was actually a certain herb that tasted like mold. :-) I've got to remember not to use that regularly.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Loverly sunshine

The sun came out today! It made me so happy to feel it on my face. I love sunshine.

I got my school done in record time today because I thought I had to leave with my dad at 1:45pm to pick up a car and then go on to my oboe lesson. But my poor teacher Mrs. Haehnel called around one and wheezed out that she couldn't teach today because she was having an asma attack. I feel so bad for her, she has a lot of ailments. She plays the oboe beautifully though. Perhaps someday I will too...after I get my braces off.

Since I didn't have to go to her house, we didn't leave until later to go pick up the car at the garage. Alas it was not to be. We got there and the battery was dead as a door nail. So I went to the store bought stuff for Mama then drove back discussing with my dad how the news lies about everything. A new one I hadn't heard before was from some guy who was all upset at how young men and women of our day are forced to join the military because they can't pay for their own college education. The things they think up these days!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

To all my nervous fans

At 12:35pm I set out for Delhi. Slipping and sliding down the road, I finally got the end where I pulled out in front of a lady who was a good distance away but she didn't think it was enough which ended in me feeling very depressed as she laid into her horn for about 10 seconds.

Driving along route 10 there wasn't any snow, but a nice big truck drove past and splattered my windshield with muddy snow. Thinking logically, I pressed the button to clean the windshield, but something was wrong and the fluid wouldn't come out. Instead all it did was smear the stuff all over and make my visibility go down to about 40%. Finally I got to a gas station and cleaned it off, then drove 3 more minutes up the road to the hospital. Arriving at the nurses office I found that she wasn't there, so I ask very nicely (adding a charming smile) for a grumpy little lady to page her for me and being charming must have worked, because she turned into all smiles. 2 minutes later Chris the RN came down the hall. We went into her office where she pushed up my sleeve and pronouced me negative to TB. I wasn't one bit relieved, because she had told me when she first did the test what she would be looking for today; and over the last couple of days I hadn't seen anything that looked suspicious so I knew just as much as her. I could have saved all that time. :-)

Anyway, I better go and finish this tiresome SAT test and then on to din din.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Winter doldrums

Today I understand what it means to be "bored to tears." When I get stuck in the house because I can't go outside for fear of freezing and none of my books are good and I finished all my school, Mom doesn't need help and I don't feel like cleaning my room....I start running out of things to do. So I find myself staring out the window at the snowy whiteness of winter and dreaming of sunny beaches and yellow flowers, darkly tanned people, and lemonade. Sigh. I think I will move to Burmuda.

You want to know something that has been making me mad lately? I live in a state where the majority of the time it is cold and white and icy, and there is not one Ice skating rink in the radius of an hour! You would think that people would open business' where they could make money for most of the year. But no. Maybe I'm the only one who ever thinks about these things.

Monday, March 07, 2005

I don't think I want to be called a candy striper

The O'Connor hospital is amazingly unorganized. But I suppose they have good reasons. They are renovating a bunch and every time I go in, I get mixed up, because its different than the time before.

Today was my first day working as a volunteer there. It was interestingly boring. After getting my own lovely little name card that has my name, picture and stuff on it, I went to the nurses desk where they put me to work. Work being following a little lady by the name of Fay around. Getting people water, marking down stuff on charts, telling a lady how to spell things, visiting, and bringing a lady up from the emergency room.

Before all that I had a TB test taken! I'll let you all know whether I have it or not when the results come in. Maybe I will have to go to a remote little island somewhere and leave you all behind.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Passwords, Rex, and Calories

Phewsh, that was a little scary. I forgot my username/password for 3 days. Doesn't make me feel like I have a very good memory...I should do the same password for everything. The only problem with that though, if someone found it, tadda, no more password.

I watched a Rex Harrison movie last night. At the end of it there was a biography about his life. Did you know that he was married SIX times!!!!!!!!! And none of them died before him. By the end when they mentioned his last wife Ben and I were like, "oh phewsh, he got divorced again," just because it was getting so awful. Poor man.

I burned 685 calories in one hour yesterday. Or so Elizabeth said when you snow shoe for that long. It sure felt like that many, what a work out. :P

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

To be a weatherman...

It must be nice to be a weather person. It's probably the only job that you get things wrong over and over again and you keep your job! What bliss. Some crazy weather person said we should expect 6 inches of snow. That was about 18 inches ago. Ah well, woe is me.

My mommy is gone; for 3 whole days! And its amazing that the world is still going. It's a good thing she's here most of the time, or else I wouldn't get any school done.

Caleb is so funny. He didn't want to go out in the snow with the other girls because its freezing out so he and I played pin the tail on the donkey...which I won both times. But just to make himself feel good, on his last turn he opens his eyes and says: "hooray, I won! Almost." What a sweet kid.