Thursday, March 10, 2005

Loverly sunshine

The sun came out today! It made me so happy to feel it on my face. I love sunshine.

I got my school done in record time today because I thought I had to leave with my dad at 1:45pm to pick up a car and then go on to my oboe lesson. But my poor teacher Mrs. Haehnel called around one and wheezed out that she couldn't teach today because she was having an asma attack. I feel so bad for her, she has a lot of ailments. She plays the oboe beautifully though. Perhaps someday I will too...after I get my braces off.

Since I didn't have to go to her house, we didn't leave until later to go pick up the car at the garage. Alas it was not to be. We got there and the battery was dead as a door nail. So I went to the store bought stuff for Mama then drove back discussing with my dad how the news lies about everything. A new one I hadn't heard before was from some guy who was all upset at how young men and women of our day are forced to join the military because they can't pay for their own college education. The things they think up these days!


At 10:00 PM, Blogger brilynne said...

I'm glad you had some sunshine today.


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