Thursday, November 03, 2005

24 minutes is all I have

I have 24 minutes before Study hour is over, so I shall see if I can write this post before I have to leave to do other things.

It's not very often that I have thought of something through this Bible school year that has popped into my mind as blog material. Of course there have been many hilarious moments and wonderful experiences but I've gotten out of the blogging groove, so I don't remember them for that specific reason. Anyway, this evening something did strike deep into my wee brain to make sure that I would remember to blog about it. It is not a story, but a post of, oh never mind, I'll just get to the point.

So, this afternoon arriving back from Keene after an afternoon of outreach(perhaps I'll get to that later) we all tramped into the kitchen on the point of near starvation(its Thursday if you remember, which means we fast) to behold a most wonderful, glorious, stomach leaping, happing sighing sight. The table in the corner was filled with food!!!!!! Not just regular food, but FRUIT and yogurt and juice and .......yummy stuff. The sight brought squeals of delight from the girls and grunts of (I assume) happiness from the guys. All this lovely food, we found out, was from the Alumni Fruit and Extra's Fund. While we were munching away on food, we thought that someday we should thank all the wonderful people who contribute to the fund as well as making us happy. So this entire drawn out post only had one purpose, to thank you all (I think you know who you are) on the AFEF for all that you do. Thank You sooo much, one and all, you are greatly apprciated!


Now I don't feel like writing any more. I'll just say this, for outreach I put together a crib and cleaned two strollers and car seats. The End.