Random is a nice word. It means lot's of things.
Be prepared for Randomness
It's interesting how different people welcome in the new year. Usually I find myself on my knee's in a watch night service, but not this year. I was huddled in my bed as Jack Bauer put a bullet through Christopher Henderson. Ugh. Why did Ben have to get me hooked on "24"?
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It's strange how when you buy something to be used during a certain season, that season seams to promptly disapear. I think fate is against my family when it comes to things that like.
Such as acquiring a sun fish only to go to the ocean when the wind doesn't rustle so much as a blade of sea grass. Or last year some of my siblings got snow shoes for Christmas; I think they used them once. And now this year there is still no snow, so I look out the window at a beautiful, sleek, Artic Cat snow mobile sitting on green grass. Its enough to make you want to move to Denver, Colorodo for the winter. Forget Bible School.
Change of subject num. 2
Recently I discovered the voice of Jimmy Durante. He was a comedian/singer back in the umm 60s I'm guessing. I like him because he sounds human, actually he sounds more like a man that just drank a pint of whipping cream, but I like it. Its a nice raspy sound.
I find it refreshing to listen to someone who sounds old.
Well, I probably won't post again for another few months...I just felt like typing tonight.