dum de dum
Today I went to th dentist. You know you live in a rural place when you drive 20 miles and pass one truck. You also know that you live around people who are used to the cold when you see everyone walking outside with no coats when its 35 degrees.After eating my lunch I discovered that I had broken my right thumb nail. It wasn't just cracked though, it really had slit. I knew that if I cut it off it would really hurt...so I set my mind to thinkin' and what did I come up with? The healing power of Super glue!!!!!! Now its all nice and perfect again...until the glue wears off.
Lead astray
As I sit in my chair diligently studying, I hear a noise. "What is that?" I think. It is a loud noise, and it doesn't come from inside the house. I listen closer. It fades in and out, up and down. "OH" I think. It's a chain saw of course. I resettle in my chair thinking how hard our neighbor Kris O'Brien must be working, and wondering where he found a tree to cut up, since the trees on his property aren't really his until he buys the land. After 20 minutes or so I rise from my chair to go look out the window to see if I can tell where he is chainsawing. And low and behold there is Kris and his brother Kasey skimming atop the snow on their snow mobiles! I stare with my mouth open for quite a few seconds. After that I will never think the best of people until I look out the window. ;-)
Mixed up widdle kids
Little kids are so amusing! Here are a few things Caleb and Ruth have said that were really funny...Caleb comes into the kitchen wearing his cow boy outfit, his gun and whatever else a cow boy wears- " ahhh don't I just look so agonized?" (he meant organized)In response Ruth says- "HAHAHAHAHA, I got such a hit out of that!"Watching a movie...it comes to a part Caleb doesn't like, i.e. something scary, kissing, ect.-" ewwwewwww, stop, rewind it!!!!"
The rest of the story
Ok I figured it all out and now I feel good. So I shall proceed...My Uncle Jim and Aunt Roxy are here with their three boys. They don't often come up so its extra nice to have them. The boys spent almost half the day playing Risk...I can't understand how people can do that, to me it seems like such a waste of time...and they usually end up finishing the game in an argument. :-)We watched Jane Austen's Persuasion after dinner. I was amazed the boys actually made it through most of it. That is a v e r y s l o w moving video. I liked it though, nice and relaxing listening to other people drone on.
the beginning of it all
There is nothing like a boring Saturday afternoon to get you to do something you never thought you would...such as blogging. It's taking me a bit to figure this thing out, and it seems that there happens to be another person by the same address as me, which is not working. But I shall prevail!Enough of this for now...I need to explore, and figure out what's wrong. No matter what you do, somethings bound to go wrong!