Wednesday, July 27, 2005

20,000 leagues above the ground

On Sunday, Ben and Dave(Hansen) were kind enough to set up staging for Elizabeth and me before they left the next morning. They thought they were kind that is. Well I suppose they couldn't help being "kind" because my dad had told them to set it up, but that's beside the point. Boy's, I've noticed, often seem to think that "higher is better." And higher is better in certain areas, but not when it comes to having to clime 4 stories up on staging that feels like a toothpick.

Elizabeth and I didn't really know how high up they had put the plank until this morning. When the boy's had set it up, I had nonchalantly leaned out my window and yelled something like "don't you dare put it too high, or I won't ever go up on it," so I thought I was all set. Until this morning. This morning began the scariest episode in my paint-the-barn career. One look up at the staging and we both let out a "holy smokes" type exclamation. Then we proceeded to hold our breath as we inched our way up the ladders. Once we got up there, it was just as bad as on the ground, but we gathered our tiny dust particles of courage and got on with it. God must have been feeling bad for us because two hours later the rumblings of thunder was heard and we scurried down the ladders to find shelter in the barn. Tomorrow will bring more terror though, since we didn't finish it all.

So that is what my life consists of right now...taking the dust particles that come off the walls and turning it into courage.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

And he will mount up with Ings like Weagles

See what happens when you're really tired? That's(the title) what I told Elizabeth when I came home from shopping after I'd seen a cool picture with that Bible verse on it.
So here I am again to give excuses for not posting. I'm tired. The end.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The part of summer not worth posting about

The summer is a time to relax, read a book, go fishing, or lie on your back and stare up at the great blue sky. Summer is also the time that people fix things. That's what I'm doing this summer. Actually right now my summer consists of taking paint off of a building but that's only to prepare it for the fixing of new paint. So, if you are all wondering why on earth I never post its because I don't have time to spare. Disk sanding is taking up 8 hours of my day and the rest is spent recuperating. With 8 hours of time to think you might wonder why I haven't come up with any wonderful posts. I'm afraid, unless some bad accident occurs (so far nothing but almost falling off a roof), disk sanding is not worth posting about.